Here’s my problem: I can’t export the info from a Time Matters distribution list. Maybe I want to print labels, start using ConstantContact or MailChimp, or just call everyone on a distribution list. It can be quite a hassle through all those entries to match those contacts. We can get that data quickly and easily if we just go into the SQL manager. So how do I get a list of my contacts in a Time Matters distribution group?

Warning: These scripts are unwarranted. If you don’t know any SQL, learn about it first. Don’t execute scripts you don’t understand or trust in your own database.

  1. Retrieve the names and sysid’s from the dlist/****** Retrieve sysid of distribution lists for plugging into another query. Please copy the corresponding sysid next to the relevant name   ******/SELECT [user]      ,[name]      ,[sysid]      FROM [TimeMatters11].[lntmu11].[dlist]  WHERE[TimeMatters11].[lntmu11].[dlist].[name] !=”
  2. Copy the Sysid from the corresponding name.
  3. Replace the ‘&123456789′ at the end with the sysid you want (make sure it has single quotes ( ‘ )).

    /****** Use previous script to return a sysid. Plug in that sysid for the text inbetween the ” starting with an ampersand (&)******/SELECT * FROM [TimeMatters11].[lntmu11].[contact] JOIN [TimeMatters11].[lntmu11].[dlist]   ON([TimeMatters11].[lntmu11].[dlist].[recid]=[TimeMatters11].[lntmu11].[contact].[sysid])    WHERE [TimeMatters11].[lntmu11].[dlist].[owner]=’&123456789′;
  4. Click on any cell returned
  5. Ctrl-A (select all)
  6. Ctrl-C (copy)
  7. Open Excel
  8. Ctrl-A (select all cells)
  9. Right Click on any cell -> Format Cells
  10. Set the type to ‘text’
  11. Hit ok
  12. Click on cell A1
  13. Type Ctrl-V (paste your list)